November 2011


As the regional representatives of Howorth Air Technology, TRAQuE were recently invited to speak at the Infection Control Association of Malaysia annual conference, held in Kuala Lumpur. The conference took place over two days and was attended by more than 300 people from the Malaysian Healthcare industry.


Simon White, Director of TRAQuE, discussed how the Howorth ExflowTM range of operating theatre ultraclean ventilation systems had impacted on the rates of post operative infection and significantly reduced the numbers of hospital readmissions and relience on antibiotics. Using data gathered from NHS and US healthcare statistics the presentation went into detail on the positive effect that the patented ExflowTM system has had in operating theatres around the globe.


The Howorth ExflowTM is a global leader in the field of ultraclean ventilation. For more information on the range of systems or a copy of the presentation delivered at the conference, please contact us.