Environmental Data Loggers
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Inland Datalogger

Single use snap off recorders for short haul applications. Featuring snap off start and stop tabs, the additional security ensures data is not tampered with. With 8Kmemory, 0.5°C accuracy, the loggers will manage the most arduous of transport times.

Single use snap off recorders for long haul applications. Featuring snap off start and stop tabs, the additional security ensures data is not tampered with. With 32K memory 0.5°C accuracy, the loggers will manage the most arduous of transport times.

Econolog Datalogger

Multiple use logger for shipment monitoring featuring 8K of memory and selectable push button start and stop, the Econolog offers an economical means of monitoring your shipment temperature where the Mon-T will not do.

SKU Econolog_Dataloggers
Brand Temprecord
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Mon-T Datalogger

Extremely cost effective, multiple use logger for shipment monitoring. Featuring 4.6K of memory and selectable push button start and stop, the Mon-T offers an economical means of monitoring your shipment temperature to 0.5?C accuracy.

SKU Mon-T_Datalogger_133
Brand Temprecord
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Temprecord Authorised Distributor

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Our contact details in Singapore are:

TRAQuE Pte. Ltd.
51 Bukit Batok Crescent,
#08-25 Unity Centre
+65 6316 3885
+65 6316 3885

Our mailing address in Malaysia is:

TRAQuE Sdn. Bhd.
Suite 13-10, Level 13,
Johor Bahru City Square Office Tower,
106 - 108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook,
80000 Johor Bahru.

If you would like further information on our products or services, then feel free to contact us using the form below. We look forward to working with you.

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Latest News

TRAQuE Awarded bizSAFE Star

TRAQuE is pleased to announce we have been awarded BizSafe Star by the WSH Council.


Congratulations to the team and well done in the continued efforts in supporting safety.


TRAQuE Malaysia

We’ve always placed great importance on being close to our customers. The ability to provide local resources, respond quickly and be onsite as required has proven extremely valuable in the seven years since we began operations in Asia.


Protak Scientific Partnership
Protak Scientific Logo

We're delighted to be kicking off our partnership with Protak Scientific in Singapore. This revolutionary alternative to biological indicators for use when assessing VHP effectiveness is significantly quicker than current methods and can provide linear quantitative data, resulting in optimised cleaning processes and increased productivity.